October 21, 2013

April 7, 2013


First Bimester

Aug. 31st. - CHAPTERS 1-2-3-4
1.Describe the setting of the story. 
2.Who is/are: a) Jack,  b) Ralph,  c) Piggy,  d) Simon,  e) Roger,  f) Samneric, g) "littluns", h) "biguns"
3 In Chapter 3, Piggy asks the boys "How can you expect to be rescued if you don't put first things first and act proper?" What does Piggy mean by "act proper?" Why does he feel acting properly will bring them success in being rescued? Contrast this sentiment to the actual reason a rescue ship spots their smoke signal.
4.Who or what is being described with this phrase: "There was the brilliant world of hunting, tactics, fierce exhilaration, skill, and there was the world of longing and baffled common-sense" (Chapter 4)? How do the two worlds represent facets of humanity?.

Sept. 7th. - CHAPTERS 5-6-7-8
1. In Chapter 5, Golding writes, "In a moment the platform was full of arguing, gesticulating shadows. To Ralph, seated, this seemed the breaking up of sanity." How is sanity defined? How does this novel contribute to an understanding of sanity and of madness? What are some other instances of madness in the novel?
2.When Simon sees the Lord of the Flies, Golding writes that his "gaze was held by that ancient inescapable recognition" (Chapter 8). What recognition is Golding referring to?

Sept. 14th. - CHAPTERS 9-10-11-12
1. What do the following symbolize (Jack, Ralph, Piggy, Piggy's glasses, the beast, fire, the conch, the Lord of the Flies)?
2. Define the word "allegory".  Why this book is considered an allegory?
3. Explain how these themes are developed through the story:  a) Power,  b) Politics,  c) Fear,  d) Violence,
e) Humankind's dark side

3rd. Bimester

Nov. 10th. - pp. 3 - 48
1.- Draw a family tree.
2.- Write three adjectives describing the following characters: Harriet, David, Dorothy, Molly and James. Give examples supporting your answer. Do not repeat the adjectives.
3.- Happiness is an important issue in this first part of the book. Do you agree? Why?

Nov. 17th. - pp. 48-85
1.- How do the members of the family react towards Ben? Give examples.
2.- a) Write a definition of "monster".
      b) Why is Ben considered a "monster"? (Physically and psychologically).
3.- The presence of their disturbing fifth child, Ben, leads to the destruction of the Lovatt family. Do you think that certain circumstances can destroy families? Which of the following factors do you think would be most disruptive to a family? Why?

  •       Economic hardship
  •       Substance dependency
  •       Illness
Would you add anything else to the list?

Nov. 24th. - pp. 86-133
1.- Explain how the "perfect" family failed. 
2.- Harriet felt she was the one who drifted the family apart. Why? Is this a motherhood issue?
3.- Deterioration of British society is depicted in the novel. Explain. 
4.- How does a writer create suspense in the reader? 

4th. Bimester

April 11th., 2014 - Introduction
1. Define: a) Theatre of the Absurd,  b) Drama, c) Tragicomedy.
2. When and where was Waiting for Godot first perfomed in Great Britain and in USA? Who were the directors?
3. Give the names of thre writes of Theatre of the Absurd and the title of one of their works.
4. Answer the following questions:
     a) When and how do you kill time?
     b) What do you do to pass the time when you're waiting for someone?
     c) What do you think are activities which waste time?
     d) If you didn't need to study, how would you spend your time?
5. . Read the backcover and write the definition of these words: cornerstone, threnody and suffused.

April 18th., -Act I
1. Describe the stage in Act 1
2. What elements from the Bible are mentioned? (Write three)
3. What can Lucky dance?
4. Lucky used these words during his "thimking" -  apathia, athambia, aphasia. What do they mean?
5. Who's Albert?

April 25th. - Act II
1. Describe the stage in Act II
2. Who's Didi?
3. Why did Estragon take off his boots and throw them away?
4. Who's Gogo?
5. Why do they think in Cain after calling Pozzo Abel? What's the relationship between these two names?
6. What did you learn from this play? Explain.


2nd. Bimester

Jan. 12th. - Chapters 1-8    pp. 1-74
1. Why did Achebe choose to take the title of this novel from William Butler Yeats' poem "The Second Coming"?
2. Make a map with the following names showing the relationshipo among them:
     Okonkwo,   Unoka,    Okeye,   Nwoye,   Ikemefuna,   Anasi,   Nwakibie,   Igwelo,   Ojiugo,   Ezeani,   Ezinma,   Obiageli,   Nkechi,   Obierika,   Maduka,   Ekwefi.
3. Compare and contrast Unoka to Okonkwo.
4. Describe the Feast of the New Yam.
5. Describe Okonkwo's attitude towards Ikemefuna's dead.

Jan. 19th. - Chapters 9-15   pp. 75 - 142
1. What is "chi". Explain its importance.
2. The community judicial system shows similarities to Western traditions. How is the trial carried out and which is the subject of dispute?
3. The oral tradition of storytelling in Igbo culture is a means for teaching history and customs. How is this illustrated in the story?
4. Describe how Obierika celebrates his daughter's uri.
5. Achebe emphasizes the gravity of Okonkwo's crime by saying that in Umuofia "nothing like this had ever happened". Explain what happened.
6. Mbanta - Describe this place and its importance in Okonkwo's life.
7. Why did Obierika visit Okonkwo.

Jan. 26th. - Chapters 16-25  pp. 143 - 207
1. Achebe suggests that Igbo culture is dynamic (constantly changing). Find evidence in the novel to cupport this notion.
2. What is the role of women in the novel?
3. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the social structure portrayed in Things Fall Apart. For example, the culture is polygamous; the husband, wives and children live in their own compound; children are cared for communally.
4. Explain why you think Okonkwo kills himself.
5. Compare Mr. Brown and Reverend Smith. How does the black and white thinking of Reverend Smith contribute to Umuofia's downfall? What would have prevented Umuofias's downfall?

September 2, 2012

EXTRA CREDITS - Guidelines 2014-2015

In order to get an extra point each bimester, you will have to read a book (authorized by the teacher on the first two weeks of the bimester) and hand in a formal Book Review in which you must include: Title, author, date of publication. Study the following suggestions first and prepare your notes. Be sure you include every single piece of information in your review.

1. Theme. (Is it convincingly worked out?) 2. Setting. (Is it functional? What does it add to the novel?) 3. Characters. (Are they real individuals with a balance of good and bad traits? Are they consistently drawn? Are they interesting?) 4. Plot. (It is believable? Does the climax grow naturally from the actions of the characters?) 5. Narrative point of view. (Does it add to the effectiveness of the novel? Does it unify the novel? Does the author ever speak directly to the reader?) 6. Tone. Describe the tone. What is its relation to the narrative point of view?) 7. Conclusion. (What do you regard as strong and weak points of the novel? Would you recommend it? Why?) Do not forget to separate your ideas in paragraphs.

This has to be written in Arial 10.

Deadline: The day before your first bimonthly exam.

Late Policy: No late submission wil be accepted for credits.

Cheating and plagiarism include copying someone else's answers during exams or in exercise assignments presenting other people's ideas and/or writings as your own in paper assignments and research projects. Anyone who is found to have cheated or plagiarized will recieve a failing grade for the assignment.


Starting September 7, 2015,  nobody will be allowed to come into the classroom without a textbook - Fields of Vision, Vol. 2.

First Assigment 2015

Answer the following questions and summit them to: englishlit2013@gmail.com and as email subject write: AS1-Name-Group.
Due date: August 31st., 2015.

1. Do you like to read? Yes/No Why? (Give an explanation)

2. What do you usually read? (Mention everything you read no matter what, eg. magazines, mails, etc.)

3. How much time do you spend reading? (Whatever you read, eg. books, articles, mails, etc.)

4. Write a paragraph describing your feelings towards reading and your expectations about the course.

May 27, 2009

Recommendations for Homereading-activities: The Innocent Man

" What was even the reason for my birth? I cursed my mother and dad -it was so bad- for putting me on this earth. If I had it all to do over again, I wouldn´t be born"
Ron Williamson
Learn more about laws and justice regarded to death penalty in the United States.
To do list:
1. Post a comment at the end of the article.
2. Make a comparison between Mexican and American legal system and email it to me.

Recommendations for Homereading-activities: Born on a Blue Day

You can also learn by watching videos!!!!